Simply Elton is a celebration of Sir Elton John’s incredible musical career. Brian Harris will transport you to the magic of an Elton concert, playing music spanning the icon’s entire career. In addition to the spot-on Elton-styled vocals, wild costuming and endless energy, the virtuoso and rocking piano playing will leave audiences speechless. If you’re going to see ONE Elton tribute, this is the one to see!
Simply Elton is not just dressing up in a crazy costume and mimicking a pop icon. It is master musician Brian Harris bringing the music of Sir Elton John to life – a true concert experience of some of the greatest rock & roll music ever created. Energy, costuming, brilliant virtuoso piano playing and spot-on Elton vocals….. it’s all there. Whether a full band performance backed by stellar musicians or a tour-de-force solo engagement, Simply Elton gives audiences EVERYTHING they expect from an Elton John concert.

Elton John Tribute was last modified: March 30th, 2023 by kender_admin
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